Friday, October 8, 2010

Is Korn doing things behind the PM's back?

PM Abhisit Vejjajiva says he doesn't know whether his finance minister, Korn Chatikavanij, has been doing things without his knowledge such as contacting
the "3 Ps" to join in an overhauled coalition government in the event that Bhumjaithai Party is kicked out of the current line-up.

"He hasn't told me about it, if he in fact has done that sort of thing," Abhisit told reporters in response to rumours to that effect.

Korn himself hasn't commented on the speculation that he has been trying to persuade the factions led by Preecha Laohapongchana, Pinit Charusombat and Pairoj Suwannachavi, to join a new coalition. In that scenario, Newin Chidchob's Bhumjaithai Party would be dropped.

Abhsit told reporters that no Cabinet reshuffle is imminent. And Korn hasn't reported to him about the rumoured negotiations with new coalition partners. No, he isn't going to appoint a new "government's manager" to replace Suthep Thuagsuban who has quit as deputy premier to run in the Surat Thani by-election.

In other words, he has confirmed nothing, and denied nothing.

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