Tuesday, March 29, 2011

This election offers a 'clear choice'

"I can't think of another election with such a clear choice -- what the Democrat Party stands for and what the Pheau Thai Party stands for," declared Premeir Abhisit Vejjajiva at the Foreign Correspondents Club of Thailand (FCCT) last night.

Inevitably, Thaksin Shinawatra came into the picture. Abhisit added: "Do (the people) want a government that will continue putting their interest first or do they want people who are still tied to one person's interest? That's the choice that will be facing the Thai electorate," he said.

Thaksin's campaign slogan will obviously attack Abhisit for his coalition government's lackluster performance, alleged corruption and offering nothing new except to copy his archrival's populist policy.

Thaksin will probably also say that the voters will have a clear choice, of a different kind, perhaps.

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