Friday, February 19, 2010

What's on the 33rd floor?

If you believe Chalerm Yoobamrung, chairman of Pheau Thai's MPs, there is a party's "Politbureau" on the 33rd floor of the Shinawatra 3 Building making all the major decisions.

He apparently is not a member of that supposedly body that he says has absolute power to dictate what the party's MPs and the Red Shirts has to do.

Chalerm also indicates that the party's political strategy working group has clashed with the so-called Politbureau over the proposed constitutional amendments and no-confidence debate against the government.

What he really means is that Thaksin Shinawatr has set up a variety of mechanisms to run the party, the red-shirted movement, etc...and he isn't quite sure where he stands himself.

When Chalerm starts blasting at his own party, you know something is brewing. It also means that he is not one of Thaksin's favourites anymore.

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